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Increase the completion and retention rates with Microlearning

What’s Microlearning & Why it works

The first published use of the term microlearning dates back to 1963 in a book called The Economics of Human Resources by Hector Correa. Microlearning delivers content in bite-sized chunks. Ideally, one topic (learning outcome) at a time. Microlearning can also be looked at as short eLearning modules (units) that demand learner attention and interaction through rich media formats such as short videos, reading material and quizzes on the topic.

eLearning or Learning Management Systems (LMS) aren’t new to workplace training and ongoing learning.

However, Microlearning experience with features such as video-based learning,  short quizzes and a sense of achievement through gamification and completion certificates are significant factors in why Microlearning works over traditional online courses.


Appeals to younger generations

Short & focused modules on your phone mean the content is absorbed anywhere. It works best for multigenerational workforces, especially with millennials and generation Z.
On-demand learning

Your workforce can go through new topics or compliance content when it suits them. Just like on-demand music and television, they can spend 10-15 minutes on a topic and get a certificate of completion in no time.

Supports rich media

Videos and Microlearning go hand in hand. Combined with cheatsheets, distributable resources and quizzes, the learning experience isn’t tiring, lengthy or boring.

Works for hybrid workforce

Organisations with a hybrid workforce can easily roll out courses to target employees working from home and the office. Our SaaS platform with enterprise SSO integration makes it accessible and secure simultaneously.

Want to know more?

Visit our resources page and see it in action. Feel free to Schedule a one-on-one discovery demo call so we can answer your questions & discuss your needs.
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